For the last two hundred years, the border between Urstille and the rest of Carum Sound has been sealed, leaving most of this nation shrouded in mystery.
Militaristic and sexually expressive, the Urstillians are not trusted by many nations, especially their closest neighbors, who have a history of losing people near their shared borders.
Once known as the Kingdom of Urstille, by the time the border is opened, decades of aggressive expansion have transformed it into the Urstillian Empire.
Is this empire truly sinister, or have they been unfairly portrayed in the history of Carum Sound?
Catch your first glimpse of Urstillians in Kiss of Destiny, and begin to find out...
Tongue Tied reveals the rest.
Urstillian Language
Cendiodos Urstilios
A - {ɑ} want
B - {b} boy
C - {k} cat
CH - {x} loch
D - {d} dog
E - {ɛ} help
G - {g} goat
I/EE - {i} kiwi
L - {l} cool
M - {m} mom
N - {n} nope
O - {o} polo
P - {p} hoop
PH - {f} phone
R - {r} burro (rolled)
S - {s} see
T - {t} too
TH - {ð} them
U - {u} dude
Y - {j} yes
Acas Icsio Sh*t Pass, nickname for Break Pass
Acas Icsiol Break Pass, border town to Meriveria
Agilee Ucuee Lady Agilee, Calosandros's bitter ex
Anabusos Dulados Captain Anabusos, Calosandros's best friend
Boinee Ucuee Lady Boinee, Calosandros's genial ex, Conora's friend
cabalee guroiyionee crown princess consort
cal beautiful/handsome
calisioree love bite/hickey
cechee stupid
celudos ucuisa ladies' haven
celudos ucusioya lords' haven
Cenurd Thiados King Kennard, Conora's brother
ceree nose
cianee neck
cianos heart
coindalos face/cheek
coiyos home
crenos son
Cuintos Uboios Emperor Quintos, Calosandros's father
duboinee born princess
duboinos guroiyionos crown prince
dulos soldier
goree empress consort
griliclasee f***-closet
guroltee treasure
iclas screw/f***
icoin marry
Icoinur loee icpiayosagee May your marriage be orgasmic
(wedding blessing)
icthidoee kiss
loee you/yours (plural)
loisios father
loisos bird/penis (cock)
loiyos friend
lud no
madee mother/mama
Meripheree Meriveria
Meripherios Meriverian
mios yes
namayos dearest
Nemonee Goree Empress Consort Nemonee, Calosandros's mother
nuil little vixen
Odilia Thiadee Reigning Queen Odelia, Conora's sister-in-law
oid/oin you/yours (singular)
onee wife
Orosiad major Urstillian city
pan of
pana good
Pasutrus capital city of Urstille
piationos crygasm
Pusosio Sioria Sexual Positions (instruction manual)
semiaos c***
sima welcome
sioria sexy/sexual
Siputreos minor Urstillian city
sitrecayus contreceptive wine
tee okay
toros mouth
tumaos lip
uboios emperor
ucuee lady
ucus lord
ucusodoil lower pettilord
ucusoil pettilord
uphaian foreigner
Urstil Urstille
Urstilios Urstillian
us child
yid me
yis I
Yis oid icthian I love you/I am yours
yolicthiar lovesick
yolois podia bear fever
yos mine
yosee hand/palm